I am taking a St George Musical Theater class. The musical we are doing is Sleeping Beauty. You've heard of the movie but maybe not the musical. There are lots of fun songs and scenes.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Posted by Rachel at 7:41 AM 7 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween!

Posted by Rachel at 4:46 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Beach!
Posted by Rachel at 7:21 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
School Files
Posted by Rachel at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
The new school year
Here in Utah, we get to find out who our teacher is in the last week of the previous school year. We get into groups of who is going where and then we go to our new classrooms. We get to meet our new teachers, see who is in our class and learn a few things like new rules and that stuff. My new teacher's name is Ms. LeBaron. She seems like a pretty nice 5th grade teacher. I hope this school year goes well for me and the same goes out to all my friends my age. Good Luck!
Posted by Rachel at 3:09 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
My cat, Lady
I've had my cat for one year. We got her last summer. Her name is Lady. We got her from my sister, Cami. She did not want Lady anymore because she had a baby and she could not give attention to both her baby and Lady. So she gave her to us!
I was very excited to get a cat because I have always wanted one. She is a part-Siamese cat. We are lucky that she is because my dad is allergic to orange cats.
Luv ya Lady!!
Posted by Rachel at 10:16 AM 1 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Honeymoon and Alexis' stay with us
Posted by Rachel at 10:01 AM 1 comments
The Wedding
Posted by Rachel at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
My nieces
I have 3 nieces. Scarlett, Desiree, and Alexis. Scarlett is 8 years old, Desi is 5 and Alexis is 1 year old.
Alexis is walking! She has just began to walk. Now she is TROUBLE!
Desi is sooo cute! She is very shy but very cute!
It's kinda weird to have a niece your age! But, Scarlett is fun to play with because she has the same interests as I do.
I love all my nieces very much. I am glad to have them in my life!
Posted by Rachel at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
My BFF Lauren
My best friend is Lauren Eide. She lives right down the street so we see each other a lot!
We have a lot of things in common! We like to dance, play with our American Girl Dolls, play with our Build a Bears, go on the website Webkinz, etc.
I call her my B.F.F.E.N.D. I made it up. It's kinda long, huh!? It stands for Best Friend For Eternity; No Doubt.
We have nicknames for each other. I am Rae and she is La. She has a little sister and brother. They're names are Emily and Thomas. We call them Emmy and Moo.
I love ya La!
Posted by Rachel at 3:05 PM 2 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Independence Day
For Independence Day, my brother Andrew came to stay with us. We went to a street festival and ate food, played in the water, and listened to a band.
Then when it got dark, we went to a park where there was a fireworks show. We stayed there for about an hour, and then went home to do our own fireworks! Andrew lit them all.
Here is some of my favorites: The Moondance, Jumping jacks, Ground bloom flowers and Friendship Pagoda. We also did sparklers!
Then we all went to bed. Good Night!
Posted by Rachel at 11:08 AM 0 comments